Budget Consultation 2024-25

Closes 28 Jan 2027

Our priorities

In terms of meeting its overall objective of ‘Building a World Class City for Everyone’ the Council’s key aims are to:

Find out more about our priorities

  • Enable an inclusive economy: Council staff are skilled and confident in delivering services our residents want and the workforce as a whole better reflects our diverse population; The Council’s supply chain supports more local businesses, including social enterprises and cooperatives, promoting wider benefits to the local economy; The Council delivers inclusive economic growth by supporting the delivery of new jobs and infrastructure.
  • Deliver more, affordable housing: The Council have increased the supply of high quality, energy efficient housing with a balanced mix of homes for sale and to rent at different price points; The Council’s Blackbird Leys regeneration delivers high quality homes and a better use of space; More Council and private sector tenants are supported to stay in their homes where they face the prospect of eviction.
  • Support thriving communities: The Council’s services, grants, community and leisure facilities, parks and cultural events have helped reduce inequality, increase cohesion, and improve health and wellbeing across our communities; Children and young people’s resilience and confidence is increased through the educational and recreational activities we offer; The Council’s public spaces remain clean, safe, well maintained and are more accessible.
  • Pursue a zero carbon city: The City Council making significant progress on the journey to reduce its own carbon footprint to zero; all new buildings by the Council progressing towards near or net-zero carbon standards; The Council’s existing council housing is being made more energy efficient.
  • Well Run Council: Deliver modern accessible services for our diverse communities; ensure financial resilience so we can continue a wide range of services; ensure high levels of cybersecurity.
10. On a scale of 1-5 where 1 is low and 5 is high, how would you rank the priority of the following services?

Please select the most applicable option in each row.